India UK Global Innovation Partnership

GIP is designed to benefit partner countries and generate investment, trade, science and other partnership opportunities for UK as well as Indian institutions, investors and businesses in new markets. GIP will accelerate delivery of the sustainable development goals in Africa and South Asia (majorly benefitting countries of Commonwealth Nations) and improve the lives and livelihoods of poor people, with a focus on women, people with disabilities, and those with climate and health vulnerabilities.

The GIP E-Bazaar

The Global Innovation Partnership (GIP) E-Bazaar is a digital platform initiative to connect Indian innovators and entrepreneurs with international markets, especially in Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific. Focused on sectors like healthcare, climate change, education, etc., it will contribute to a systemic change in easing the flow of good innovations from India to other developing countries.

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GIPeBazaar : Where creativity meets commerce, and
entrepreneurs thrive in the digital age.

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