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SunMoksha Power Pvt Ltd

Smart AQUAnet™ remotely manages water with the help of IoT/Cloud system. It manages the supply and distribution of water to small and marginalized farmers from a shared water resource and manages the operations of the aquagrid including scheduling, billing, payment and collection. The dynamic water demand-supply management is based on real time data from sensors and meters communicating with the Cloud Network. Water can be supplied automatically in a controlled fashion to the fields based on the crop requirements, soil moisture, ambient and hydrological conditions. This not only conserves water and reduces cost of water, but also keeps the water level in good conditions, and improves water ecosystem. It also conserves the soil fertility. With Cloud Networking all the stakeholders can access the data on water supply in real time, bringing in complete transparency to the system. The user interface allows historic data with analytics to be assessed. The solution is applicable to all types of irrigation systems, whether conventional grid-connected or solar off-grid, existing or new, AC or DC, submersible or surface. This creates a viable option to share irrigation pump in a financially sustainable model, saves O&M costs, and increases the life of pump. The solution can be used for stand-alone solar-water-pumping systems, pumping system powered with microgrids, or traditional pumping system powered by the grid electricity. It focusses is on shared resources, water conservation, and sustainable business model.

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06 Feb 2024
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